Proud accredited member of the following photographer organizations:
Verified Volunteers® (ID:P1126185) background-checked and approved by
Miami-Dade County Public Schools
Bilingual: English & Spanish
When you hire a photographer, you’re not just paying someone to click a button on a camera;
The photographer uses his own professional equipment, learned all its settings and capabilities, then uses his skills, experience and talent to get the great shots at the right time;
The photographer then goes to his office and spends many hours on a computer editing and perfecting all those photos taken, which usually takes 2 to 3 times longer than the actual time taken to photograph your event;
The photographer then uploads all the completed photos to his website/webserver he pays for annually, so that you can download all your photos to any internet device anywhere in the world. All of this to ensure you can have and treasure all the photos and memories for yourself, your organization, your family, and others for generations to come!